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Useful/Useless Studies and News on Innovation & Patents

Quality Research

There are a lot of useless studies and commentaries on innovation and patenting because the authors (typically economists, law professors, consulting con-artists or fanatics) do not know enough about science and engineering to understand the subject matter of the innovations they are studying and reporting on. For example, patent citations are for the most part useless because they were not selected by the inventor(s), yet there are endless studies of information flow between companies based on how inventors cite each others patents. Con-artist consulting studies. What follows are is a list of useful studies on innovation and patenting, followed by a list of useless studies. One theme is that there less innovation that creates jobs, and more "innovation" that destroys jobs.

Note: we have a separate Web page discussing the general fraudulence of patent citation analysis.

Useful Studies and News on Innovation and Patents

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Useless Studies and News on Innovation and Patents

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